static architecture

英 [ˈstætɪk ˈɑːkɪtektʃə(r)] 美 [ˈstætɪk ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər]




  1. This requires that you move from traditional, static security models to dynamic models that can keep up with the accelerated rate of change in an SOA architecture.
  2. Static metrics that analyze component architecture, component complexity, and test coverage are displayed in the Create Java Component Test wizard.
  3. In a static architecture, every path is presented to every user under every circumstance, and each path always leads to the same result.
  4. On the server side, event processing was replaced by a stateless, flat, and static architecture, very similar to the way Web pages are delivered to Web browsers.
  5. This model is orders of magnitude higher in complexity than the model for a static architecture.
  6. Scheduling Based on Static Model in Trusted Architecture for Embedded Systems
  7. Moreover, the separation of the relatively static simulation architecture from the evolvable problem domain modeling for specific application scenario provides users with modularity and extensibility by encapsulating the sequencing information derived from the domain modeling as a part of the simulation architecture.
  8. Analysing and Protecting Static Electricity of Architecture
  9. But current mainstream storage technology is restricted by its static architecture, which only fits for fix situation, can not adapt to the continuous variety request.
  10. Static-Kinetic-Static Design Principle of the Kinetic Architecture
  11. Utilizing UML in the Personal Office Module, the static model of Presentation Layer, Data Access Layer and Business Logic Layer according to the global system software architecture and the dynamic model of message conveying among layers are given.
  12. This methodology takes the power modeling methodology of CMOS static circuits into account carefully, so it is better for the estimation of current high performance CPU architecture which is designed with ASIC methodology.
  13. There is no solution for formally describing both the static structure and the behavior interaction of object-oriented architecture.
  14. It is proved that SAAM in this paper can effectively measure not only static quality of software architecture, but also dynamic quality of software architecture.
  15. It uses state set to enforce the describe ability of static structure of architecture, with action set and constraint set it extend the dynamic behavior of architecture, also it introduces self-adaptive machine to make the architecture self-adaptive.
  16. According to the testing items of the IR static data testing systems, an information acquisition and process system based on virtual instrument is proposed. The architecture and programming of the system software are discussed in detail.
  17. XYZ/ E is the first executable temporal logic language, which can represent both of the static and dynamic aspects of program. It can describe architecture in different abstract levels.
  18. The static model and dynamic model of architecture are discussed and realized at the phase of 1 level OCS.
  19. The paper summarizes the fundamental definition, classification and description languages of software architecture, presents a visual architecture description language XYZ/ ADL, which can describe the static and dynamic aspects of the software architecture, Finally further research is recommended.
  20. According to the different features of historical, real-time and static data, an information integration platform architecture based on virtual data center is presented for gas field enterprise, and corresponding implementation techniques are given.
  21. Research and Implementation of Static System's Logic Architecture in Power Enterprise
  22. The mapping relations between the static architecture model built using UML and the dynamic model built using colored stochastic Petri net were presented.
  23. Existing software architecture research has focused on static architectures, where the system architecture can not change during system execution.
  24. This paper analyzes the static balance principle in structural design of architecture, relationships between force and deformation and acceleration. The importance of conceptual design is emphasized in order to improve design ability of engineers and ensure the rationality and security in structural design.
  25. The conception of reconstructing historical architecture has transformed from static protection to dynamic recycling in 21 century, in another word, historical architecture should be reused reasonably by reconstruction.
  26. Software architecture based on the evolving way in the run-time, can be divided into static software architecture and dynamic software architecture.
  27. According to static processing characteristics of block cipher, clustered architecture with word and hyper-word modes is presented.
  28. Construction of variable impedance based static var compensator architecture, static var compensator can be transforming the main reactor by the fixed capacitors and intelligent controller and other components.
  29. Static, stable and eternal characteristic of traditional architecture no long can represent the culture and spirit in nowadays.
  30. By means of transforming the static models of the architecture into the executable models and evaluating the design of it, It is easy for the developers to find the bugs of the design which lie in the early software development.